
class ClusterShell.Worker.Pdsh.WorkerPdsh(nodes, handler, timeout=None, **kwargs)

ClusterShell pdsh-based worker Class.

Remote Shell (pdsh) usage example:
>>> worker = WorkerPdsh(nodeset, handler=MyEventHandler(),
...                     timeout=30, command="/bin/hostname")
>>> task.schedule(worker)      # schedule worker for execution
>>> task.resume()              # run
Remote Copy (pdcp) usage example:
>>> worker = WorkerPdsh(nodeset, handler=MyEventHandler(),
...                     timeout=30, source="/etc/my.conf",
...                     dest="/etc/my.conf")
>>> task.schedule(worker)      # schedule worker for execution
>>> task.resume()              # run
Known limitations:
  • write() is not supported by WorkerPdsh
  • return codes == 0 are not garanteed when a timeout is used (rc > 0 are fine)

alias of PdcpClient


alias of PdshClient


Tell worker to close its writer file descriptor once flushed. Do not perform writes after this call.

Not supported by PDSH Worker.


Write data to process. Not supported with Pdsh worker.

class ClusterShell.Worker.Pdsh.PdshClient(node, command, worker, stderr, timeout, autoclose=False, rank=None)

EngineClient which run ‘pdsh’

class ClusterShell.Worker.Pdsh.PdcpClient(node, source, dest, worker, stderr, timeout, autoclose, preserve, reverse, rank=None)

EngineClient when pdsh is run to copy file, using pdcp.